Located in Akaroa

on Banks Peninsula near Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand

Daly's Wharf, Akaroa

Find us near the Foursquare Supermarket and Information Center at Daly’s Wharf.

Bus Service to Akaroa

No car? No problem! Use the Akaroa Shuttle from Christchurch.

Cruise Ship Passengers

We are just a 10 min walk from Akaroa’s main wharf.


is located in Akaroa, Banks Peninsula, not far from Christchurch on the South Island

It is 1.5 hours driving time from Christchurch on state highway 75.

The drive has spectacular scenery, driving through farmland and up over the crater rim of Akaroa Volcano (Donʼt worry guys itʼs extinct).

Then winds itʼs way through lovely bays to Akaroa itself.

Finding ecoSEAker in Akaroa

… is quite easy.

When you get to Akaroa to find us just follow the main road through the township.

At the Four Square supermarket and Information Centre turn right onto Rue Balguerie & drive straight for 120 meters to Dalys Wharf. A picturesque Wharf with a little green and orange pavilion on the end.

Bus services to Akaroa

… starting from Christchurch

The French Connection – 0800 800 575
The Akaroa Shuttle – 0800 500 929

You need to catch »The Akaroa Shuttle« to be here in time for the dolphin swim tour.

We are just 120 meters from the bus stop, ask the driver to drop you off at The Information Centre/Old Post Office

When you arrive you will find your Skipper Steve & crew by the swim van or on the boat.

Cruise Ship Passengers

… will be tendered from the ship to Akaroa’s main wharf.

We are a just 10 minute walk from there (allow 15 minutes). Turn left when leaving the main wharf and walk around the water front to Daly’s Wharf.

ecoSEAker Akaroa

Book your Dolphin Swimming Tour or Akaroa Harbour Cruise experience


Any questions?